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14:15 - 15:45 Whole-life foundation and structure integrity
Room: Llevant
This session considers the broad topic of fixed offshore foundation systems and includes papers addressing the primary elements of global or whole-structural-system analysis and assessment. A range of speakers will represent academia and industry with contributions covering different aspects of bottom-fixed support structures and foundations, their design, analysis and optimisation. Topics addressed will include hydrodynamic loads, soil-structure interaction and geotechnical issues, support structure dynamics and simulation technology, field testing and laboratory experiments as well as pile design.
Learning objectives
- Better understand soil-structure interaction mechanisms and analyse methods
- Appreciate how to analyse and assess structural dynamic behaviour
- Examine fatigue damage models applied to offshore wind foundations
- Recognise performance indicators for the whole-structure
- Identify methods to objectively assess optimum foundation configuration
Feargal Brennan, Cranfield University
Co-chair: Athanasios Kolios, Cranfield University
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium
Classifying resonant frequencies and damping values of an offshore wind turbine on a monopile foundation for different operational conditions
CRES, Greece
Key performance indicators and target values for multi-megawatt offshore turbines
Fatigue verification in wind turbines foundation applying Markov matrices to a FEM model
ALSTOM Wind, Spain
Towards an integrated life-cycle offshore wind substructure design: From performance to optimization
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