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11:15 - 12:45 Advanced control concepts
Room: Llevant
The application of advanced control can be utilised to improve turbine performance. The topics addressed in this session include wind turbine/farm control to provide frequency support including droop control, the collective control of a number of wind turbines through the use of a common bus bar and converter, and the stabilisation of floating wind turbines. The control design techniques used include model-predictive, nonlinear and robust control design.
William Leithead, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
Co-chair: Marta Barreras, Gamesa, Spain
Mechanical load analysis of PMSG wind turbines in primary frequency regulation
Strathclyde University, United Kingdom
Providing Frequency Droop Control Using Variable Speed Wind Turbines with Augmented Control
Sensorless control of a power converter for a cluster of small wind turbines
RWTH Aachen, Germany
Systematic numerical design of optimal blade pitch control for vertical axis wind turbines
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