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09:00 - 10:30 Aerodynamics and rotor design
Room: Llevant
The session is oriented to show recent computational and experimental findings on aerodynamic phenomena in horizontal (HAWT) and vertical access wind turbines (VAWT), as well as on new developments on system identification techniques related to the aeroelastic behaviour of wind turbine rotors and new aerodynamic design trends for very large wind turbines.
Learning objectives:
Delegates will learn about:
- recent computational and experimental findings on aerodynamic phenomena in HAWT and VAWT
- new developments on system identification techniques related to the aeroelastic behaviour of wind turbine rotors
- innovative design trends for the aerodynamics of very large wind turbines
Alvaro Cuerva, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Co-chair: Sandrine Aubrun, Univ. Orléans, PRISME Laboratory, France
Institut Pprime, UPR 3346 CNRS – Université de Poitiers – ENSMA, France
Pressure-velocity analysis of dynamic stall on a vertical axis wind turbine
Technische Universität München, Germany
Estimation of wind turbine model properties - towards the validation of comprehensive high-fidelity multibody models
ECN, The Netherlands
Mexnext-II: the latest result on experimental wind turbine aerodynamics
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