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Wednesday, 12 March 2014
09:00 - 10:30 Advanced electrical systems: From megabyte to megawatt
Hardware Technology  

Room: Tramuntana

Session description

The electrical system is the most powerful and also the most sensitive system in a turbine, with small sensor faults often causing fault errors. It is also the most critical system, responsible for control of the machine, power shaping and power delivery. The session will show how electrical systems can be optimised in turbines, how they can be made more secure and robust, as well as looking at future trends for electrical systems.

Learning objectives

  • Get inside knowledge of future trends and technologies in electrical systems, including; generator, converter, control and communication systems
  • Learn about the interaction of electrical systems to turbine loads as well as mechanical systems and the grid
  • Discover and understand trends in grid connection requirements and their impact on electrical design
This session will be chaired by:
Björn Andresen, Siemens Wind Power, Denmark


Frede Blaabjerg
Aalborg Univercity, Denmark
Future trend in the electrical drive system for wind turbines  

Detlef Schulz
Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg, Germany
Optimization of the grid connection capacity for wind turbines