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14:15 - 15:45 Aspects for offshore and complex terrain
Room: Llevant
Siting in complex terrain is still a challenge for wind energy developers. This session will shed light on questions including:
What is the best way to estimate the energy resource over hilly and forested terrains? Are linearized models still useful and are computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models mature enough? What is the best way to use meso-scale models for wind energy resource estimation offshore? How does atmospheric stability affect turbulence?
Learning objectives:
- Judge the performance of linearized flow models in comparison with CFD model for wind resource estimation in complex terrain
- Understand how meso-scale models are best used for offshore annual energy production (AEP) estimation
- Appreciate how atmospheric stability affects turbulence over forests and how to use standard measurements to estimate the stability
- Get an insight into state-of-the-art meso-scale modelling for wind energy resource estimation
Jakob Mann, DTU Wind Energy
Joachim Peinke, Uni Oldenburg, Germany
DTU, Denmark
Complex terrain wind resource estimation with the wind-atlas method: Prediction errors using linearized and nonlinear CFD microscale models
Loughborough University, United Kingdom
Mesoscale modelling of the UK offshore wind resource
DNV GL - Energy, Italy
On the determination of stability conditions over forested areas from velocity measurements.
DNV GL – Energy (Garrad Hassan), Denmark
A science-based commerical look at meso-scale modelling
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