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11:15 - 12:45 Optimising measurement strategies to maximise project value: Is the industry making false economies at the expense of project value?
Room: Llevant
Striking the right balance between costs and benefits when designing a measurement campaign has always been a challenge. Nowadays the situation is more complex due to:
- sophisticated instrumentation options (and their limitations);
- wind farms of larger spatial extent located in more diverse climates;
- advanced flow modelling.
It is no longer a straightforward process deciding on the optimal measurement strategy to minimise uncertainties in the energy assessment for a specific project. Assessing the resulting financial benefit is just as challenging. The interpretation of the data for site classification and thus choice of turbine has also become more complex.
Learning objectives
- Evaluate the most efficient use of instrumentation for a specific site
- Understand and quantify the connection between measurement uncertainty and project economics and loads
- Make a more accurate choice of turbine type
- Express uncertainty variations across the site as the basis for cost-efficient measurement campaigns
Wiebke Langreder, Wind Solutions, Denmark
Co-chair: Jan Coelingh, Vattenfall
DONG Energy, United Kingdom
Benefits of Measuring the Wind Resource Offshore: How Value is Created for the Windfarm
AWS Truepower, SLU, Spain
Uncertainty Maps: How To Make The Most Of Your Measurement Campaign
Fraunhofer IWES, Germany
Lidar errors in complex terrain and strategies for an optimized measurement design in resource assessment
Aalborg University & EMD International A/S, Denmark
From measurements to site approval: A new and more accurate approach for site suitability analysis
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