EERA-DTOC workshop:
“Development of design tools for offshore wind farm clusters (EERA – DTOC)”
Tuesday 17 April 2012 – 16:00-17:45
Room 20, Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark
The concept of this project is to combine this expertise in a common integrated software tool for the optimized design of offshore wind farms and wind farm clusters acting as wind power plants. (See below for a detailed overview of the project.)
This event will provide participants with an introduction to this new and challenging project, and include discussion of usage scenarios and collaboration possibilities. The last talk will introduce the sister project, ‘ClusterDesign’, which is oriented towards the operation of clusters.
16:00 – 16:05 | Welcome, Peter Hauge Madsen, DTU Wind Energy, Denmark, Project Coordinator |
16:05 – 16:15 | Project introduction: Gregor Giebel, DTU Wind Energy, Denmark |
16:15 – 16:30 | Wake modelling: state of the art and challenges ahead: Charlotte Bay Hasager, DTU Wind Energy, Denmark (WP 1) |
16:30 – 16:45 | Optimising interconnectors and power plant systems: Luis Mariano Faiella, Fraunhofer IWES, Germany (WP 2) |
16:45 – 17:00 | Energy yield estimation for offshore wind farms clusters: Daniel Cabezón, CENER, Spain (WP 3) |
17:00 – 17:15 | Evaluation and Measurements: Gerard Schepers, ECN, The Netherlands (WP 5) |
17:15 – 17:30 | ClusterDesign – A Toolbox for Offshore Wind Farms: Rory Donnelly, 3E, Belgium |
17:30 – 17:45 | Questions and debate |
Register to attend the EERA-DTOC workshop
Attendance at this workshop is free of charge, but you must also be registered to attend the main EWEA 2012 event, as a conference delegate, exhibition visitor or exhibitor. Register to attend EWEA 2012
EERA – DTOC Project:
The European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) in collaboration with valuable industry partners proposes an integrated and validated design tool combining the state-of-the-art wake, yield and electrical models that are available in the consortium, as a plug-in architecture with the possibility of including third party models.
To decrease uncertainties around wind farm wake predictions a small measurement campaign together with new data available from the industry partners will enable better tuning and ultimately better modelling of the far-reaching field of wind farm wakes.
With the large amount of offshore wind farms to be built in the near future clusters of wind farms will appear at favourable locations, such as the German Bight and Dogger Bank. Large arrays of floating wind farms planned close to long-distance grid cables (regardless of water depth) will also start to appear in the coming years. Both the planning and the design of these clusters pose new challenges with regards to the siting of the connected wind farms, the design of the interconnecting grid structure and the integration of the large amount of power into the electricity supply systems.