Danish Pre-conference: Integration of wind power
Sunday 15 April 2012 , 12:30-19:00
Room 19, Bella Center, Copenhagen
The purpose of the grid seminar is to give insights in the important steps to efficiently integrate wind energy in the grid going from 0 – 25 pct. wind penetration and how to exploit the value of wind from the beginning.
Participants: Stakeholders from emerging and growth markets, such as public authorities, DSO’s, TSO’s, utilities, developers, manufacturers of wind turbines and grid technology.
Participation fees – Pre-conference: ‘Integration of wind power’, 15 April 2012 (including VAT):
EWEA/DWIA Member: €195
Non-Member: €275
Academic / NGO / Government: €225
Student: €110
Register online now!
Power of wind: 5 important steps to integrate wind energy in the grid and ensure the value of wind
The purpose of the grid seminar is to give insights in the important steps to efficiently integrate wind energy in the grid going from 0 – 25 pct. wind penetration and how to exploit the value of wind from the beginning.
Participants: Stakeholders from emerging and growth markets, such as public authorities, DSO’s, TSO’s, utilities, developers, manufacturers of wind turbines and grid technology.
The seminar will start with a plenum presentation that highlights 5 important steps from the first wind turbines to above 15 pct. wind penetration.
The plenum session will be followed by 2 rounds of workshops, where each of the steps will be elaborated on individually. The two rounds of workshops will be identical giving the participants the possibility to go in to depth with 2 of the 5 subjects.
The 5 workshop groups will each be led by 2 or 3 experts.
The workshop session will be wrapped up through a process, where the experts will collect the essential conclusions from the workshops in a checklist. The checklist will be finalized and distributed to the participants at the end of seminar.
The seminar will be finished with a panel debate focusing on how to reach 25 pct. wind penetration in less than a decade based on handling the 5 important steps in an efficient manner.
11:30 – 12:30 |
Registration and lunch |
12:30 – 12:35 |
Welcome, Jakob Lau Holst, COO, Danish Wind Industry Association |
12:35 – 12:45 |
Introduction to the day by the chair, Claus Madsen, CEO, ABB Denmark |
12:45 – 13:15 |
5 important steps from 0 – 25 pct. wind penetration, Dorthe Vinther, Vice President, Electricity System Development, Energinet.dk |
13:15 – 14:15 |
First round of 5 workshops Each of the 5 workshops will focus on a specific step. See below for the list of the specific topics and speakers. |
14:15 – 14:30 |
Coffee break |
14:30 – 15:00 |
Socioeconomic benefits from wind energy in emerging markets, Nynne Norman Scheuer, Policy Analyst, Vestas Wind Systems |
15:00 – 16:00 |
Second round of 5 workshops Each of the 5 workshops from the first workshop round will be repeated. See below for the list of the specific topics and speakers. |
16:00 – 16:30 |
Coffee break |
16:30 – 16:45 |
Presentation of the checklist on policies, financial and technical requirements and regulation |
16:45 – 17:30 |
Panel debate: How to reach 25 pct. wind penetration in less than a decade Panel: Dr. Lawrence E. Jones, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs, Policy and Industry Relations, Alstom Grid Inc. Dorthe Vinther, Vice President, Electricity System Development, Energinet.dk Erik Kjær Sørensen, Director Governmental Relations, Vestas Wind Systems Søren Krohn, CEO, SKPower |
17:30 – 19:00 |
Network and refreshment |
Registration: http://events.ewea.org/annual2012/registration/
Workshop topics
Political requirements |
Speaker |
How to get started with wind integration – an overview – Political will – The state of the grid and the generation mix today – Grid codes, the basic needs and coordination with your neighboring countries, international standards – Financial opportunities – Coordination between planning authorities, developers and DSO’s/TSO’s – Continuous grid planning, how to be prepared for future development vs the risk for sunk cost due to early development
Jørgen S. Christensen, CTO, Danish Energy Association |
Necessary preparations for the TSO before connecting the first wind farms. A case story from South Africa – Analysis of the potential wind penetration – Handling the stakeholders – Connecting a new 140 MW wind farm
Pervelan Govender, Chief Engineer, ESKOM |
Financial requirements and regulation |
Speaker |
Financing grid connection and extension – Who pays for the connection, extensions and enforcement – Sunk cost – Cooperation – Regulatory body – responsibilities and tasks |
Stephanie Ropenus, PhD, German Wind Energy Association |
Financing grid connection seen from the developers perspective – Two case stories from Bulgaria and Romania |
Nicky Mads Larsen, Senior Business Advisor, Global Wind Power |
Investing in grid infrastructure in developing countries |
Sean Whittaker, Senior renewable energy specialist, IFC, Climate Business Group |
Grid requirements and solutions |
Speaker |
Grid requirements and regulation – Priority access – Grid codes, best practice – Conducting the needed grid analysis in order to know the impact from a new wind farm. – How to challenge your grid? – Where are the barriers and how do you handle them?
Niels Andersen, Engineer, SEAS-NVE |
Upgrading to higher levels of voltage – Congestion in the grid – Long distance transmission The need for interconnectors – Take advantage of your neighboring electrical systems – Taking account of socioeconomic benefits |
Peter Børre, Head of analysis, Energinet.dk |
Market based operation of the power system |
Speaker |
Wind power and the power market – Power Purchase Agreements – Integration into the power market – Compensation of curtailment |
Sascha Thorsten Schröder, DTU Management Engineering |
Handling of fluctuating wind production on the power spot market, a case story from a PBA – Pooling of independent wind power producers – The use of wind forecasts – Handling of balancing |
Jens Tang, Vice President, Renewables Generation, Nordjysk Elhandel |
Best practice for operational handling of wind power in the grid – Wind power forecasts – Tools – Data – Situational awareness – Training – Procedures and processes |
Dr. Lawrence E. Jones, Alstom Vice President, Regulatory Affairs, Policy and Industry Relations Alstom Grid Inc. |
Technology based balancing of fluctuating power production |
Speaker |
The wind turbines’ technical ability to deliver ancillary services and support the grid |
Michael Frydensbjerg, Team Leader, Grid Integration, Siemens Wind Power |
Basic technical grid component solutions to integrate wind power in the grid |
Lars Gertmar, Senior Expert, ABB |
Increase flexibility from non-fluctuating power production |
Lise Lotte Lyck, Economist, DONG Energy |
The 5 important steps
Political requirements
- Stakeholder involvement and coordination
Financial requirements and regulation
- Financing grid connection and grid enforcement
Grid requirements and solutions
- System planning
- Grid planning and simulations of the impact from new wind farms
- Grid codes and standardization
- Transmission and interconnectors
Market based operation of the power system
- Daily operation of the grid with fluctuating energy production
- Payment solutions for wind power – Market or Power Purchase Agreements
Technology based balancing of fluctuating power production
- Technologies to support the grid – wind turbines and grid supporting solutions
- Wind powers interaction with other technologies – Gas, coal, hydro, biomass, solar and nuclear