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EWEA calls on new Commissioner-designates to take the reins on Europe's energy future
The European Wind Energy Association welcomes the announcement of Alenka Bratušek as Vice President- and Commissioner-designate for Energy Union and Miguel Arias Cañete as the European Commissioner-designate for Energy and Climate Action.
This team will be responsible for implementing the European Commission President-elect's vision of an energy union in Europe and establishing the region as a global powerhouse for renewable energy.
EWEA Chief Executive Officer Thomas Becker said: "We look forward to working with Vice President Bratušek and Commissioner Cañete on building a new treaty-busting energy union in Europe, which is underpinned by renewables. For a true single energy market to flourish in Europe, energy policy must become the domain of EU lawmakers and should not be shackled to 28 diverging ministries, regulators and agencies at national level."
Becker said: "The announcement of Vice President-designate Bratušek, with responsibility for energy union, shows a commitment by the Juncker presidency to make strides toward a single electricity market that places renewable energies, such as wind power, at the heart of European energy security."
Parliamentary hearings for the new College of Commissioners are expected to commence on the week beginning Monday 29 September.

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