And the Global Wind Day winner is...
Today, the European Wind Energy Agency and the Global Wind Energy Council are pleased to present the winners of this year’s Global Wind Day photo competition.
The best images have been selected in five regional categories (Europe, Americas, Asia, Africa and Australasia) as well as an overall global winner.
“The winning picture is clearly taken at a crucial moment in the installation of a new wind turbine” says Julian Scola, Communication Director of the European Wind Energy Association.
Global winner Joan Sullivan is overwhelmed with the selection of her photo which she says is one of her all time favorites and tell us: “In 2005, during a family vacation in Ireland, I photographed my first wind turbine, and something just went off in my head, like a lightbulb, that this is my calling…I have dedicated my second 50 years to documenting the rapid expansion of wind and other forms of renewable energy in the context of climate change. I hope that my photographs will contribute positively to the global dialogue about the inevitable transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy.”
See a slideshow of the winning photos on the Global Wind Day website.
The fascination with the technology and wind energy, is evident in all of the 1,000 submissions EWEA and the GWEC got for the competition ‘Discover the stories behind wind energy’. EWEA and GWEC have received entries from 67 countries all around the world, from Greenland to India, Barbados to Thailand, and Costa Rica to Ukraine.
The winners were chosen by a jury consisting of Mark Edwards (Hard Rain Project), Erik Luntang (Inspirit), Robert van Waarden (freelance photographer) and Simon Bogle (Recharge) and will receive Amazon vouchers as well as have their photographs featured in the magazine Recharge and EWEA’s magazine, Wind Directions.
‘With this year’s photo competition, we have been particularly impressed with the number of entries and with the wide geographical spread of submissions. It matches the spread of wind energy as a symbol of a clean and sustainable future and shows that the technology has an aesthetic value in itself’ said Julian Scola, Communication Director at the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA).
Find out more about Global Wind Day and how you can get involved here.

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