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Star speakers to shine at EWEA 2013
What do energy ministers, the vice-president of the European Parliament, chief economists, heads of international renewable energy agencies and renewable company CEO’s have in common? They are all speaking at the Opening Session at EWEA 2013.
Speakers on Monday 4 February include Fatih Birol (IEA), Anni Podimata (European Parliament), Arthuros Zervos (EWEA), Francesco Starace (Enel Green Power), Pat Rabbitte (Irish Min. for Energy), Hasan Murat Mercan (Deputy Turkish Min. for Energy), Adnan Amin (IRENA) and Christian Kjaer (EWEA).
This is only one of the high-level sessions at the EWEA Annual Event. At the “High Level Panel: Boom and Bust” on Tuesday at 9.00, Artur Rozycki, CEO, ENEA, Thomas Torda, CEO, Energie Burgenland Green Power, Rasmus Vinge, Head of Renewables, Danske Commodities, Gernot Blanke CEO, WPD, Artur Trindade, Secretary of State of Energy, Portugal and Christian Egal, CEO, EDF Energy Renewables will address the critical issues in wind energy markets across the continent. “How are support mechanisms in different markets changing in the face of economic crisis, budget deficits and electricity demand?”, “How do these developments play out at a regional level?”, “Will the booming North, and in particular offshore wind, help offset the loss of ground in southern Europe?”, “Will Eastern Europe fulfil its potential in wind energy, or do developers need to look even further afield?” are all topics up for discussion.
On Wednesday 6 February, the CEO Panel “Tough Times” features Stephan Ritter, General Manager, GE Renewable Energy Europe: Jukka-Pekka Mäkinen, President & CEO The Switch; Lars Bondo Krogsgaard, Chief Customer Officer, Nordex; Jean Huby, CEO, Areva Wind; Alfonso Faubel, CEO, Alstom Wind Energy and Jan Kjaersgaard, CEO (EMEA), Wind Power Division, Siemens Energy. The CEO’s will discuss questions like “What does the future hold for wind turbine manufacturers in Europe?”, “With the financial crisis still impacting the wind industry, are we likely to see further consolidation among European manufacturers?” “Or do niche markets still exist, and are they enough to sustain smaller manufacturers?”.
Beyond Europe, at 11.00 on the final day of the event, will explore the various challenges and opportunities available in wind energy development outside of Europe, through a wide range of speakers bringing a global perspective. Presenters will examine markets at both regional and national level, and look at the diverse stages of development that wind power is experiencing on a global basis. Participants will be offered an insight into the risks and rewards from operating outside of Europe at a personal, company and national level. Speakers include David Williams, GL Garrad Hassan, United Kingdom, Steen Broust Nielsen, MAKE Consulting, Denmark, Yoshinori Ueda, Japan Wind Energy Association, Steve Sawyer, Secretary General, Global Wind Energy Council, Belgium and Chris Forres, Canadian Wind Energy Association.
To discover more about the programme, visit the EWEA 2013 website.

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