15 yrs
WW200908, Brussels in brief

No shortage of power, say TSOs


The electricity generation and transmission adequacy outlook for summer and early autumn is generally good, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) announced in June in its annual 2009 Summer Outlook report.

According to the report, the balance between power generation and demand in the different regions should be adequate, and so no particular risk of power shortages over the summer period is expected.

The report presents the views of Europe’s electricity Transmission System Operators (TSOs) regarding national or regional security of supply for the period from 1 June to 4 October, highlighting possibilities for neighbouring countries to contribute to the generation/demand balance in critical situations.

However, the TSOs do also consider a scenario of severe weather conditions, such as the effect of a prolonged spell of hot, dry weather which could increase use of air-conditioning or reduce the output from hydro-generation or thermal generation facilities. In this case, some TSOs would need to import power from their neighbours.

Many TSOs report a lower demand than usual due to the current economic climate and its effect on industrial activity, and describe the difficulty of preparing accurate forecasts given the lack of historical precedents for the current conditions.

For more information: www.entsoe.eu


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