16 yrs
News, Press2009

European Commission publishes template for 27 national renewable energy roadmaps


The 40-page National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP) template, published today, gives governments a binding framework for drawing up the steps they will take to meet binding national targets set out in the 2009 Renewable Energy Directive (Directive 2009/28/EC). The template explicitly states that Member States are to set national sectoral targets for electricity, transport, and heating and cooling and outline the expected contribution of each renewable energy technology to these targets.

“What the filled-out template will do is to effectively provide the wind energy sector with 27 national roadmaps for its development up to 2020, and show the expected share of the different technologies year on year”, explained Christian Kjaer, Chief Executive of EWEA. “This will be of huge value to the wind power industry, which will have a clear trajectory for expected wind energy installations in the EU.”

The template also requires national governments to explain the actions they will take to develop the power grid so that their national renewable electricity target can be met. For example, they need to outline their development plans for transmission infrastructure and whether they are planning to reinforce the interconnection capacity with neighbouring countries.

The same goes for the planned measures to smoothen administrative procedures. Governments must list any “unnecessary obstacles or non-proportionate requirements” and outline “whether further steps are needed to ensure that procedures are proportionate and necessary”.

Member States must complete and submit their NREAPs to the European Commission by 30 June 2010. Should they fail to do so, or should the Commission consider that a Plan is insufficient to meet the legally binding national renewable energy target, it can start infringement proceedings against the Member State in question.

See the NREAP template
Read the European Commission’s press release


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