News, Press2009
Wind Power Works: Global Wind Day reaches tens of thousands of people
On 15 June, tens of thousands of people from around the world joined in celebrating the enormous benefits of wind power during the first ever Global Wind Day. "Wind energy is a driving force for climate protection, economic development and the creation of future-proof jobs”, said German Environment Minister Sigmar Gabriel. “The Global Wind Day 2009 demonstrates the enormous potential of wind energy to the public.”
In a joint effort between the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) and many national wind energy associations, over 200 events and activities were organised in 35 different countries, spreading the Wind Day messages to around a million people. Ranging from wind farm open days, conferences, exhibitions, workshops and information days to regattas, sporting contests and theatre shows, there was something for everyone, everywhere.
“We know that there is huge public enthusiasm for wind as a clean, sustainable source of energy that creates jobs and boosts local economies,” said Christian Kjaer, Chief Executive of EWEA. “The Wind Day is the chance for people to actively show their support, and it is a real pleasure to see how much fun can be had at the same time!”
“We are particularly pleased to see participation from so many countries outside of the traditional wind energy markets – from Cameroon to Japan, from Uruguay to New Zealand,” added Steve Sawyer, Secretary General of GWEC. “Public acceptance of wind energy is immensely important for keeping up the momentum of sustained growth, and the events of this week have shown that the support for wind energy is truly global.”
GWEC is also launching its new campaign, ‘Wind Power Works – pass it on’ as part of the Global Wind Day activities. The campaign’s aim is to spread the word about the benefits of wind, to promote bold emissions targets and the rapid deployment of wind energy around the world to avoid the worst consequences of climate change. The campaign video and a free wind turbine application can be downloaded from
Photos and news of the many other activities can be seen on the Global Wind Day website.

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