16 yrs
WW200902, EWEA events

TradeWind findings presented at final project workshop


Since October 2006, members of the TradeWind project group have been analysing the reasons why large-scale wind power has not yet been fully integrated into the electricity markets.

The project is now coming to an end, and the final project workshop, entitled ‘Wind power in the single European electricity market’, was held on 12 February 2009 during the EU Sustainable Energy Week. At the workshop, members of the project discussed their findings and presented their recommendations on issues such as interconnection, policy development and market regulation in order to enable maximum wind power integration in the future.

TradeWind’s final results will be presented in an-depth report, to be launched at the European Wind Energy Conference (EWEC) in Marseille, France from 16-19 March.

TradeWind project


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