WW200902, EWEA events
TPWind to present European Wind Initiative
The European Wind Energy Technology Platform (TPWind) is organising a session at the upcoming European Wind Energy Conference (EWEC) which will shed light on future developments in EU wind energy research.
The European Wind Energy Technology Platform (TPWind) is organising a session at the upcoming European Wind Energy Conference (EWEC) which will shed light on future developments in EU wind energy research.
Since the official publication of its Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) in July 2008, members of TPWind’s Steering Committee have been hard at work beginning to implement the steps outlined in the document, and developing the European Wind Initiative (EWI) with the European Commission.
The EWI, announced by the European Commission in its Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan), aims to bring public and private sectors together to support the development of the wind energy sector towards the 20% by 2020 target set by the recently-agreed Renewable Energy Directive . TPWind is developing suggestions for how this can be done in practise.
At the session at EWEC 2009 in Marseille, which will be held on Tuesday 17 March at 9 am, members of TPWind will present the Platform’s latest activities and the most recent news on the EWI. There will also be talks on the electricity grid and the SET-Plan.
Amongst TPWind’s priorities for the implementation of the SRA are a pan-European wind measurement campaign for complex sites and offshore, the development of the next generation of wind turbine generators, improving public acceptance and awareness of wind energy and a fivefold increase in European Commission support for the sector.

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