16 yrs
EWEA events, WW200902

An industry meets in Marseille: EWEC 2009


Last March, over 6,000 delegates descended on Brussels to hear presentations from two EU Commissioners, policy-makers, industry experts and scientists at the European Wind Energy Conference (EWEC) 2008.

This time round, the action is taking place in Marseille, France, in a radically different political and economic context. As the participants meet from 16-19 March, they will do so under the dark cloud of the current financial turmoil. Yet this cloud has the brightest of linings for the sector – the recent EU agreement on the historic Renewable Energy Directive, giving a boost to the development of renewable energy up to 2020. EWEC 2009 is the place to discuss and debate the new energy and economic era.

The evening before the official opening of EWEC, a seminar will be held to mark the launch of the new edition of ‘Wind Energy – The Facts’ publication, widely considered to be the most important wind energy reference in the world, with the most up-to-date and in-depth information on the essential issues concerning wind power today. At the pre-conference seminar, experts will present the latest figures and findings for the revised edition for 2008.

During the conference itself, sessions will be held on political, technical and economic topics, and last year’s successful Job Fair will be repeated on an even bigger scale, as will the Finance Forum, which is particularly relevant in the current economic climate. Expert speakers will discuss the effects of the credit crunch on the wind industry and explain why the industry continues to attract investment.

Technical sessions will be complemented by real life stories as depicted in a free preview of ‘The Age of Stupid’, a documentary film focusing on ordinary people who are acting to fight climate change, including a wind farm developer. The screening of this film will take place on Wednesday 18 March.

In all, t here will be over 50 sessions, workshops and side events organised during the four-day conference, including more than 500 oral and poster presentations. The annual exhibition has been extended twice to over 9,000m 2, its biggest size ever, in order to accommodate all those who wanted to participate.

For more information about EWEC, to see the full conference programme and to download an up-to-date of confirmed participants so far, please see www.ewec2009.info.


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