News, Press2008
Possible 2014 review prevents agreement on renewables directive – for today…
For the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), the progress made by the EU institutions on reaching a first reading agreement on the Renewable Energy Directive is positive.
EWEA urges the French Presidency to reach a final agreement at the COREPER meeting tomorrow without Italy’s proposal to review the 20% target in 2014, which could threaten investor confidence. A high level of confidence is essential in the coming years to achieve the national targets, and therefore a stable regulatory framework is absolutely necessary.
“The European Parliament and the Council are close to agreeing the world’s most progressive and important energy law,” stated Christian Kjaer, EWEA Chief Executive. “I am sure that Italy will also eventually see the economic, security, environmental and employment benefits of putting money to work at home instead of subsidising fuel-exporting countries.”

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