17 yrs
News in Brief

Policy agenda – June-July


Upcoming events in wind energy policy.



13 June:ITRE amendment deadline
15 June: European Wind Day
 Deadline for online registration for TEN-E 2 nd Information Day
18 June: NAN meeting
19 June: European Council
 EWEA board meeting
20 June: TEN-E 2 nd Information Day on Call for Proposals
 FP7 Energy Information Day on Call for Proposals
 Deadline for EU offshore consultation
 Deadline for proposals for Intelligent Energy Europe
25-26 June: ITRE debate on RES directive
30 June: Deadline for applications for Call for Proposals for TEN-E grants in 2008




1 July: French EU Presidency begins
3 July: ITRE debate on RES directive
3-5 July: Informal Energy and Environment Council meeting

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