EWEA Activities, BB200802
European Wind Day 2008: “discover unlimited power”
The second edition of the European Wind Day will take place on 15 June 2008. The European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) is organising a pan-European campaign to highlight the benefits of wind energy – an infinite, renewable and indigenous energy source.
“The European Wind Day is designed to raise awareness of the huge benefits that come from harnessing this unlimited energy source and highlight its popularity amongst the general public” said Christian Kjaer, EWEA’s Chief Executive.
The European Wind Day will function similarly to last year: EWEA will liaise with national coordinators, who will act as intermediaries between the organisation of the events in their own countries and EWEA. The first two meetings of EWEA’s Communication Network (CONE) revealed a strong motivation by such national organisers to make the campaign bigger and even better than in 2007.
18 countries have already confirmed their participation in this year’s Wind Day and will organise hundreds of activities across European regions and cities. These will include wind farm inaugurations and open days, concerts, conferences, information days with schools, debates, races, contests and much more.
Once again, wind power experts will explain the benefits of this unlimited energy source, show how wind turbines work and discuss why we need to develop wind energy on a huge scale if we want to turn the current climate and energy crisis into an opportunity. Last year, about 40,000 Europeans participated in the celebrations.
The new Wind Day strap line, ‘discover unlimited power’, matches with the shift of the campaign’s focus from a day of celebration to a day of information, enabling citizens to find out more about this inexhaustible, indigenous form of energy. In line with this evolution, the Wind Day website has been updated and more explanatory elements and tools have been added.
Please see http://www.windday.eu
A full-size wind turbine on Brussels’ Schuman roundabout as part of the Wind Day 2007
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