17 yrs
News in Brief, BB200802

Council agreement on SET-Plan will give boost to wind energy


The Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan was proposed by the European Commission in November 2007. On 28 February 2008, the SET plan was officially approved at the EU Energy Council meeting.

The aim of the SET Plan is to support the 20% renewables target for 2020 by increasing the use of ‘clean’ or low GHG-emitting energy technologies. One of the key technologies it identifies is wind energy, and to this effect, the wind energy sector will be invited to submit a European Wind initiative, involving public-private partnerships. The details of the initiative are yet to be defined.

The European Commission had called on the European Council and Parliament to support the SET-Plan proposal, and the Council’s conclusions to the SET-Plan were agreed by the Energy Ministers on 28 February and adopted by the Heads of State on 13-14 March.

In the European Parliament, the ITRE committee ( Committee on Industry, Research and Energy) also debated the SET-Plan on 28 February and will draft their conclusions for 28 May. A plenary vote is scheduled for July.

Council press release on the outcome of the Energy Council


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