Press releases

Energy Commissioner addresses EWEC 2010


Speaking at the EWEC Conference Dinner in Warsaw last night, European Energy Commissioner Gunther Oettinger acknowledged that “Wind energy had over 10,000 Megawatt of newly installed capacity last...

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New league table shows wind farm consent times across EU27


It takes on average 42 months to get a building consent for a wind farm in the EU, with Italy, Belgium and the UK among the quickest countries and Spain and Portugal among the slowest. These findings...

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Wind energy reduces electricity prices, says independent study

Date: 21/04/10

Wind power reduces electricity prices and CO2 emissions, a study published today by the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) reveals....

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Wind: 50% of EU electricity in 2050

Date: 20/04/10

Wind energy will meet 50% of the EU’s electricity demand in 2050, top wind energy personalities told Europe’s largest wind energy conference and exhibition.Topping the agenda at the opening day of...

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"... a well organised event - the sessions were informative and intuitive"
Mainstream Renewable Power, Ireland