Goal: A single energy market for Europe. Deadline: 2015

» By | Published 02 Feb 2011

Despite some divergence over the details, speakers at yesterday’s public debate organised by EWEA all agreed on the urgency of creating a single energy market in Europe. The benefits – such as cheaper power for consumers, energy security and more clean renewable power – were emphasised by panellists and the 100 attendees. However questions such as whether the European Commission is doing enough, if national energy policies need to change and what should be done about grid infrastructure.

The debate took place just before the EU’s heads of state meet on 4 February in Brussels to talk about energy. At the same time, EWEA launched a declaration supported by businesses and associations calling on the heads of states to act to ensure the single energy market is in place by 2015.

Were you unable to attend the single energy market debate? Some of the most notable remarks from the panellists, who represented the European Commission, the electricity industry, consumers and a think tank can be found below. Alternatively why not watch video clips of the event?

The benefits….

“An internal market has been created for practically everything. But for probably the most important sector in a modern economy it has not.”
Brendan Halligan, Chairman of the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland and moderator of the debate

EU legislation and policy…

“We do not have a single energy market in the EU. It is our ambitions to complete it as soon as possible.”
Hans van Steen, Head of Unit for Regulatory Policy & Promotion of Renewable Energy, European Commission

“The second legislative package is not being implemented”. Hans ten Berge, EURELECTRIC

“We know exactly what is needed and we are doing our utmost to force Member States to implement the second liberalisation package” Hans van Steen, European Commission

“Do we need a fourth liberalisation package? Probably yes” Hens ten Berge, EURELECTRIC

“We have one economic activity that has its own treaty – nuclear energy. It’s tantamount to Switzerland having a constitution for cheese: it makes no sense!” Christian Kjaer, EWEA

National energy policies…

“We are building on different legislation. The German plan is incompatible with the UK plan and so on… Nobody is driving this process…. Are we serious that we want an internal European market with harmonised rules?”
Hans ten Berge, Secretary General, The Union of the Electricity Industry – EURELECTRIC

“Even at national level there is no single market for energy.”
Monique Goyens, Director General, The European Consumers’ Organisation, BEUC

The consumers…

“Consumers do not really understand the relationships between the different energy companies on the market…They buy and sell each other… It’s fake competition” Monique Goyens, BEUC

Power networks…

“A single market will not happen unless we have the infrastructure”. Christian Kjaer, EWEA.

Trade in electricity…

“Within the next four years we will ensure no Member State is still an electricity island.” Hans van Steen, European Commission

Climate change and energy efficiency

“Energy efficiency is a no-brainer. But for some reason the Member States can’t agree on common policies for it.” Christian Kjaer, EWEA

And finally…..

“Jean Monnet said ‘Statesmen only act when there’s a crisis’. We don’t know what crises lie around the corner but I hope it won’t take another 25 years to have a single energy market.” Brendan Halligan, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland

The debate was organised as part of EWEA’s Breath of Fresh Air campaign. Previous debates took placeon green jobs and climate change. A fourth and final debate will be organised soon.

Categories: Climate change, EWEA