Adaptation is key to survival, and the crisis in recent years has forced many businesses to change. Now, we need innovative thinking to keep ahead of the game: how can your business keep on top of the challenges by thinking outside the box?
Come to the “outside the box: finding new growth opportunities” session on Wednesday 12 March at EWEA 2014 in Barcelona to hear new ideas from the US wind power sector, and other industries comparable to wind energy that have steered through stormy waters before and learned from their experiences.
Meanwhile, many other industries are turning to wind energy to improve their sustainability and reduce their energy costs. Hear from global players including Google and experts from the finance sector on their moves to wind energy.
“EWEA 2014 in Barcelona provides us with a forum to jointly discuss the challenges and to present innovative solutions. Let’s make a joint effort to send a positive signal from Spain – where things have been difficult in recent years – to the renewable energy sector in Europe and the rest of the world,” said Hans-Dieter Kettwig, Managing Director of ENERCON and Conference Chair of EWEA 2014.
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